Kingdom Community International FAQ's
What is Kingdom Community International?
KCI is a very old, new idea that empowers leaders to do all the work of discipleship making and mentoring leaders. KCI is a network designed to train a grass-roots, layman-led global house (church) discipleship-leadership movement.
KCI is focused on reaching and discipling the unchurched with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. KCI can train you, and provide support no matter where you live.
Why was KCI birthed?
In 2008, after learning about the message of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, Trista Sue ran into a big problem. There was not a single church in her city of Naples, Florida that taught the same message. After a short period of time, her friends started gathering to watch DVD’s of Dr Myles Munroe with her in her hotel’s meeting room and a small community of Kingdom leaders was born. Over time she started teaching and developing leaders according to their vision and life purpose. Trista’s heart is to lower the bar on what conventional church is and raising the bar on our mandate, to make disciples of all Nations. This can be done by everyone, weather you have a full time job or are the CEO of a business. Trista has balanced her family, business and traveling engagments – all while mentoring leaders that gathered at Naples Embassy.
“In the west we have elevated how we do church to such a status that in most cases it takes a professional – and often a professional team – to pull it off each week.”(1)
KCI makes it possible for anyone to be part of a Kingdom leadership team to disciple people in your community and yet be linked to a larger community, while keeping your profession.
Who is KCI submitted to?
KCI is submitted and covered by Tenor Carlos Seise, who traveled with and studied extensively under Dr. Myles Munroe for several years. KCI embassies are linked to each other therefore submitted and covered under Kingdom Community International and Trista Sue Kragh.
What are some of the hallmarks of this KCI?
Working wherever and whenever God invites us to join Him in His Kingdom work (John 5:16-20); and layman-led teams. In other words, no one is paid to start simple churches.
Each location is started by lay people (ambassadors) who are willing to leave their comfort zone in order to reach unreached people.
Meeting in homes or business, as a home environment helps side-step a number of items. For example, a home setting by-passes the “consumer values” that naturally arise in public settings (conventional churches, rented store fronts, cafes, etc.).
Is KCI limited to a certain part of the world?
No. KCI is able to train you no matter where you live in the world. You will need an internet connection.
Names for house churches include: Organic Church, Greenhouse, Simple Church, Mini Church, House Church and Embassy’s.
What makes this network different from other networks?
Kingdom Community International is a global Kingdom network.
Kingdom Community International is a global Kingdom network.
KCI is submitted and covered Tenor Carlos Seise.
KCI embassies are linked to each other.
KCI focuses on the only Gospel that Jesus preached: the Kingdom of God.
KCI home-grows its coaching leadership. A Lead Ambassador is someone who is:
​Reaching secular and unchurched people (remaining outward-focused).
Baptizing and actively discipling others.
Enjoys raising up other leaders in their sphere of influence.
What does it mean to be under authority?
The two safest places on earth are under authority and in a community. For a clear understanding of covering view the video - The Power & Protection of Authority.​
"Everything in life submits to something in order to function, grow, and prosper." - Dr. Myles Munroe
How do I get started forming my own discipleship embassy?
The first step is to view the videos - Vision of KCI, Principles of Mentorship, Understanding The Power & Protection of Authority - found here then complete and submit the form located at the bottom of the page.
You will be contacted by the office and additional questions may be required to complete the submission process. A number of factors will be taken into consideration and may require further correspondence.
Upon acceptance of your submission, the first step will be self-education. Our belief is that in order to properly disciple, one must first become a disciple. Becoming a KCI Head Ambassador is an individual and organic process and therefore takes time. As with Jesus, he had to submit, be taught and tested before being fully trusted by God. At a time that is mutually convenient, a personal meeting with Trista will need to be scheduled.
As part of your self-education, below is a list of material that you are required to read, view, enroll, and participate in.
Re-Discovering the Kingdom Book (Expanded Edition) - Dr. Myles Munroe
Agents For Change Virtual Mentorship Program or School of Influence for Agents of Change eCourse Level 1 & 2
2009 & 2010 & 2013 Kingdom Training Seminar DVD’s
Burden of Freedom - Dr. Myles Munroe
Understanding Sonship - Hubert Sugira Hategekimana
How do I get started discipling?
You can start out by having pizza, a barbecue or a game night and just have fun. We encourage you to be creative and develop a casual, inviting atmosphere – wherever you desire. When it comes time to interact you can use any of the Kingdom material you've received directly from KCI, including the material listed above to assist you in this process. This doesn’t always happen right away. We recommend you develop friendships first.
Another option are the various videos online, or livestream with Naples Embassy. We will assist you with ideas and guide you in reaching the world.
What about tithes & offerings?
This is simply a principle of taxation in the Kingdom of God and we do practice it, although we don’t put pressure on anyone to give.
With close ties to people in various countries, we supported Kingdom citizens and missionaries in multiple countries. Funds received are used to support local charities, benevolence amongst the community, ambassadors traveling to teach and mentor those others in the Kingdom of God, EPIC Youth Programs, the development of Kingdom training materials and general operating expenses.
We also encourage you to support local benevolence and charities in your region with the tithe and offerings that are taken.
We are an educational non-profit 501(c)3 with the IRS.
What books should I read?
(Listed in suggested order.)
Rediscovering the Kingdom by Dr. Myles Munroe. Rediscover the only gospel that Jesus preached.
ChurchShift by Sunday Adelaja – “is a study on the contemporary application of the relevant kingdom priciples taught by Jesus Christ and gives evidence that the real mission, purpose, and mandate of the church is not to abandon the earth but to affect and infect it with the culture and nature of heaven. “I recommend this book to all and believe it will become a classic.” – Dr. Myles Munroe
The Spirit of Leadership by Dr. Myles Munroe - After personally training thousands of leaders from around the world, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reports that, while every person possess the potential of leadership, many do not understand how to cultivate the leadership nature and how to apply it to their lives. In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Munroe defines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and how to fulfill your particular calling in life. With wisdom and power, Dr. Munroe reveals a wealth of practical insights that will move you from being a follower to becoming the leader you were meant to be!
The Purpose and Power of Authority by Dr. Myles Munroe – He dispels widely accepted but counterfeit and destructive concepts of authority, explains the nature of genuine authority and submission, reveals how one can discover and exercise one’s personal authority, and provides principles for establishing legitimate authority in the world
Revolution by George Barna is a must read for anyone interested in house churches. He articulates the reasons why 20 million (between 2000-2005) left local typical churches in their search for God. Millions of believers have stopped going to church…and chosen to be the church instead. Research by renowned pollster George Barna points to a hidden Revolution—one that will impact every Christian believer in America. Millions of committed Christ-followers, dissatisfied with the church experience, have stopped attending on Sunday mornings. Why are they leaving? Where are they going? And what does this mean for the future of the church?
In this ground-breaking book, Barna examines the state of the church today—and compares it to the biblical picture of the church as God intended it to be. He documents how and why a new brand of devout “Revolutionaries” is abandoning the local church building while attempting to become the church that Christ commissioned us to be.
unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and Why It Matters by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons is sobering.
How big did a New Testament house church get?
On average, 10—35 people.
How many people does it take to start an embassy?
Out of all the research, what are the more convincing reasons to plant house churches?
1) The average church in the United States will spend as much as 64 percent of its budget on staff salaries. Additionally, it will spend as much as 30 percent of its offerings on maintaining its buildings.(2) Researchers say that churches spend between 82 – 96 percent of their financial resources on maintaining themselves.(3) This does not include the millions that are spent on building bigger buildings. In 2001 “the total cost of Christian outreach worldwide averages $330,000 for each newly baptized person. The cost per baptism in the United States tops $1.5 million.”(4)
2) Smaller churches are more effective in growing than larger churches. Since house churches multiply before getting “big” they continually capitalize on this growth dynamic.
3) The younger the age of a church the more effective it is in reaching people. When a house church multiplies, it essentially resets its time clock as it starts over.
4) People are no longer depending upon professionalized priests and clergy to tell them how to find God. They are taking this as their personal responsibility.
“The new Revolution differs in that its primary impetus is not salvation among the unrepentant but the personal renewal and recommitment of believers. The dominant catalyst is people’s desperation for a genuine relationship with God. The renewal of that relationship spurs believers to participate in spreading the gospel. Rather than relying on a relative handful of inspired preachers to promote a national revival, the emerging Revolution is truly a grassroots explosion of commitment to God that will refine the Church and result in a natural and widespread immersion in outreach.”(5)
What are people looking for?
The Kingdom of God
To simplify their life and find their purpose
Authentic relationships – community
Spiritual mothers and fathers – discipleship / mentorship
Are there "poor" reasons for wanting to plant a church?
Unfortunately there are many. Only a few will be listed, but there will be common denominators that can be identified. Some of these reasons include: I don’t like our pastor; I don’t like the music in our church; I’m having some theological questions; I have to travel a long way to church; I don’t want to be accountable; I want to keep my tithe; and even, I just want to worship God.
Good reasons to plant a simple church?
To reach and disciple unreached people with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
When did formal church buildings begin to replace home churches?
History tells us that Constantine’s contributions to Christianity were many, including the following:
Changing the informal home to formal church building.(6)
Changing the lay-leadership to professionalized priests and clergy.(6)
KCI takes the Bible seriously and is going back to this original way of the 1st church of Acts.
Is Cell Church different than house church?
Yes, Cell Church still follows the basic Constantine format – weekend celebration worship services which usually take place in a public setting plus a pastor/staff who plans and coordinates the worship service. The cell groups meet during the week as do most small groups.
Additionally, the purpose of the cell group is to serve the goals and growth of the larger church.(7)
Why do you use the word Embassy?
By definition it is:
the position or function of an ambassador
a mission sent by one ruler or state to another
We are called Ambassadors and the Ekklesia, since we are representing a government.
Is KCI a new idea?
House churches were the norm in the New Testament, as believers shared the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in a secular culture similar to what is now seen in North America. We have come full circle. Today we again live in a secular western culture. House church may be new to us, but it is a very old “new” idea.
1 Neil Cole, Church Planting Movements video.
2 William Tenny-Brittian, House Church Manual (St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2004), 67-68.
3 Larry Kreider and Floyd McClung, Starting a House Church (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2007), 107.
4 David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, Christopher Guidry, and Peter Crossing, World Christian Trends, Ad 30-Ad 2200: Interpreting the Annual Christian Megacensus , AD 30 to AD 2200. (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2001), 520-529.
5 George Barna, Revolution (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2005), 13, 64-65, 103. (Italic supplied)
6 Simson, Wolfgang, Houses that Change the World (Emmelsbull, Germany: C&P Publishing, 1999. Barna, George; Dale, Tony & Felicity, The Rabbit and the Elephant: Why Small Is the New Big for Today’s Church (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2009).
7 Tony & Felicity Dale, August 24, 2010 presentation in Melbourne.